
BNCS is a ground-breaking platform that enables the creation of liquid staking LST yield-based inscription markets. It has been developed on the solid foundation of Omnichain Liquid Staking parachain Bifrost and is powered by the exceptional Polkadot ecosystem.

The BNCS-20 protocol is designed to offer liquidity staking rewards to the inscriptions that are deployed on it, making it an incredible opportunity for investors to maximize their returns. Furthermore, the inscriptions can be used across multiple parachains, creating endless possibilities for innovation and growth.


BNCS is an implementation of the BNCS-20 protocol on the Bifrost parachain

Free Mint Rules

The max supply of $BNCS is 10 billion, and it will be minted over 16,000 blocks. Each block will have minting transactions that will distribute 625,000 $BNCS equally among them. If a block doesn't have any minting transactions, the 625,000 $BNCS will be destroyed.

Mint transaction structure:

Mint via SubWallet / Tailsman / Polkadot.js

  • Install SubWallet / Tailsman / Polkadot.js browser extension

  • Create Substrate address

  • Transfer to BNC to this address

  • Connect wallet with SubWallet / Tailsman / Polkadot.js

  • Click mint button at BNCS Dapp or send system.remark_with_event({"p":"bncs-20","op":"mint","tick":"BNCS"}) at Bifrost Polkadot JS to participate in minting

Bifrost Parachain RPC Endpoint

Last updated